Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gleeful Brooding and the Positive Effects of Depressing Thoughts...

I've just gotten home from work. Well not just, i had a smoke with Tom from up stairs and i watched some Chester A Bum and now I'm typing. I wanted this blog to be funny all the time and slightly offensive all the time but i think thats impossible because i myself am not funny and offensive all the time. At the moment I'm a bit melancholy. Long night at work doing shit for shit pay to come home and feel down will do that to you.

So i was rolling a cigaret, as i do. And i got that feeling i know many people get. Its when you're just depressed, your brain has run out of happy juice and if you can't put some of your own happy juice into it (using a drug of some sort or chocolate or a loved one) then its going to go back to its natural state of shitfest. And you'll be stuck with the best thoughts you'll ever get in your life.
But the actual thoughts when this wave firsts hits you is difficult to at first recognise and then also to describe. But i think i've cracked it. You lose context. Context of yourself. I was sitting there rolling my smoke and that's all i was. Some bastard who smelt like a Hungry Jack's bin rolling a smoke in an apartment he can't afford to live in at one o'clock in the morning. I felt like i had no past, no future and my present was just pathetic and pointless. But at the same time my straw vulcan logic told me that it was a chemical thing and that i should do something about it because such thoughts can actually be dangerous. So i thought i'd write, which is the first best cure for such things because in a rush of self worth you put yourself back in context.

So this post is partly therapeutic.

But now I have some insight into media production, and it comes courtesy of Spike Milligan via my english teacher Mr Unwin. Mr Unwin once told me about a story Mr Milligan had written, it was about this youth. Say he's nineteen. And he's walking up a street, and he stops. There's an old guy sitting there who asks him why he's stopped. The kid says "because I can't forward, i mean as the street gets further away both sides just get closer and closer and eventually they'll get to close together and i'll be able to go no further."
Old guy says, "Don't be so bloody stupid," because kids are bloody stupid, "That's just perspective, you'll find as you keep going forward the streets will stay parallel, it because things that a further away seem smaller and so the gap between the sides of the street seems smaller."
The kid says alright and keeps walking. Eventually of course the sides of the street have in fact closed in and he can go no further. Angry and embittered he turns around and walks all the way back. The old man isn't there because he's died in the meantime.

I get that story now.

Its all superficial. Everything. What's there is what is. Our ancestors would have us believe otherwsie but its all bullshit. They believed in stupid things that were obviously wrong and obvious things that were stupidly wrong. The only truth is what we can see and hear and feel and all else is rubbish. If a woman looks beautiful, she is beautiful. Our bodies are all we are. no soul, no magic dust or whatever people think. Our brain sustains all our thoughts and memories and if you don't believe it your mind can be changed thought chemical and surgical stimulus. When your brain stops working you are gone. You go to the same place fire does when it is put out.

This is beautiful and perfect and makes sense. So be nice to your bodies, its all you've got and take this lesson away with you. What we see is so much more powerful then what we're told. What we're told can contradict what we see and we'll often believe it, but we ultimately shouldn't. In that same thread if you watch a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat, keep searching until you can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Find out how its done. Kill the magic because magic is lies. If you have a website showing the magic trick, you're ripping people off unless you have a "how to" section that explains the trick away.

Which brings me to my very long winded point. New Media is a combination of media available to anyone with an internet connection. The most powerful medium is video, then a toss up between still pictures and audio and then text. A good website will have all three but showcase the Video. The video should be the heart of the website wherever possible. That will draw the surfers in and then if its good enough excite them to look at other stuff on the site. They will become interested enough to look at the pictures and listen to the audio, all the while the text will have been guiding them but only after exhausting the multi media will the likely settle on the written articles. That could be wrong, mind you, people could watch video and then go straight to articles (or comments and discussion of the video, that seems very likely) anyway that is how Spike Milligan and Mr Unwin helped me understand some media stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Just commenting to show you have at least one interestead reader, even if this is just a Media assingment.
    It's a very nice blog in a straight forward 'fuck it, lets do it' sort of way. Nice conversational tone while still dealing with an interesting matter. Don't limit yourself to writing any particular style. Humans are more complex then amsuing offensiveness so let your thoughts be more complex then that. More importanly let your blog be more complex then that Dave.
